Just the way we took a bold step not waiting for externals to check, control and even stop Crime and criminality in our communities, I think it is time we join efforts to rebrand and clear all negative impression about our home. It is a fact that the name Omoku gets people scared.
This is also how investment and investors will get scared of doing business in our oil rich LGA leaving our people to remain in hunger and poverty.

It is high time we stop NEGATIVE publications both in Print and Social media.
If Okrika and Okochiri can bounce back as a peaceful and progressive community, Omoku and ONELGA will and very soon too but it will also take our effort.
Let us market our potentials in Raw Materials, Tourism. Entertainment, Oil and Gas, even our Cultural heritage, to the outside world.
In my opinion reports about crime murder cultism concerning our place has to be eliminated from Social Media. 
This indeed will be our contribution in returning the lost Glory of our LAND.

Prince Lucky Igwe

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