Hon. Mrs. Betty Okagua Apiafi has done it again, she has empowered over 100 Ahoada East Undergraduate Students.

The honourable member representing the good People of Abua/Odual and Ahoada East federal constituency, Hon. Mrs. Betty Apiafi, thanked the students for their good conduct and charge the them to take their study serious and shun cultism and other social vices in order to have a good future and make their parents and the Orashi region proud. I have decided to support you, bearing in mind that things are hard now and I understand what your parents go through to train you in school, "education they say is the best investment you can give to your children". 

A heavy brown envelopes was given to each of the 100 students, transportation fare and refreshments were also given.This was made known when the the Federal Law Maker played host of Ahoada East undergraduate students (her constituents ) yesterday in Port Harcourt which were drowned from Rivers State University(RSU), Ignatius Ajuru University(IAU) and Federal Technical College(FTC) Omoku after a careful selection process without party sentiment. 

The students were over excited on the wonderful kind gesture shown to them, in their responses via Mr. Prince Ideozu who spoke on behalf of FTC students, Mr. Elu Progress Victor for IAU, Mr. Enyi Harold ThankGod for RSU and Miss Douglas Christine Umega for the females, thanked the Law Maker for putting smiles on their faces, this mean a lot to us as students, they said that this has never happened before in Ahoada East and Ekpeye at large from politicians, they never knew that Hon. Betty Apiafi is this simple and friendly and kind hearted, they called her AMAZON OF RIVERS STATE. 

They prayed that God should bless and grant our representative her heart desire and also assured her that they will not disappoint her, just in case she want to contest for any political position, our PVCs are ready to deliver you.

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