Taxi drivers who ply the Rumuokoro route protested yesterday in Port Harcourt, over the killing of their colleague, Chinatu Bright, popularly called Oyibo, by a mobile police officer. The drivers, along with some human rights organizations, and family members of the dead driver matched to the Government House in Port Harcourt, and the headquarters of the Rivers State Police Command.

Mr. Bright’s immediate family and some close relatives, a coalition of Civil Society Organizations, and the Association of Drivers’ Welfare had a meeting on Friday, where they decided to shut down operations from 6:00am today in protest over the killing. They are demanding that the police produce the murderous officer, prosecute him, and also provide for the family of the dead driver. According to a report by Rhythm FM Port Harcourt, no representative from the Government House addressed the protesters. They then took their protest to the police headquarters at Moscow Road.

After being addressed by the Deputy Commissioner in charge, the spokesperson of the Association of Drivers’ Welfare in Rivers State, Chukwuma Ogu told newsmen that the police said they will constitute a committee to visit the family of the dead driver in two days. He said if the police do not take any action by Friday, the association will decide on a new course of action.

The sister of Mr. Bright, Nwarungwa Peace said her brother who was 31 years old, have been the bread winner of the family, and was responsible for their aged mother, younger siblings, his wife, and their four-month old baby. She accused the police of negligence of duty, stating that police officers were close to the scene of the incident, but failed to act when they heard the gunshots.

Mr. Bright’s wife, Precious Mark said the police have not visited or called the family since the incident occurred. She said her mother in-law and the baby have fallen ill since the incident last Sunday. Mr. Bright was killed on Sunday, 18th February, when a mobile police officer attached to a truck shot him from point blank range, after he failed to move his car which the officer claimed was in the way of the truck.


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