Driving from Uniport this morning, I tuned my radio to Nigeria Info 92.3 PH.

I heard one Dr.Aaron Kiikpoye,a lecturer in Uniport and Director of the University's College of Continuing Education(CCE) speaking. 

My impression was that as a Management Staff and member of the University Senate, he was to clarify issues on the new policy implemented by the School that has taken Education back by 10years and far above the reach of the already traumatized downtrodden

Surprisingly, Dr.Aaron was more interested in Prof.Andrew Efemini,a renowned human rights activist of the Department of Philosophy. Within a space of 15mins, Dr.Aaron had mentioned and attacked Prof.Efemini more than 20 times.

Let me advice the Management to look beyond Prof.Efemini in finding solutions to the public outcry against some policies being implemented, perhaps they need to know that it is not only the Prof.that is agitated but the entire nation and household compelled to part with twice with their hard earned resources.

The fact that the Prof was described as one who leads a 'riotous' lifestyle and  in other very strong  derogatory terms by a Management Staff that claims to be training students both in character and learning is a clear evidence that the Management itself needs such training, otherwise, no University describes her own Professor in such terms publicly.

My question therefore is why the University employed and elevated someone with such demeaning qualities to the enviable post of a Professor!

As a Person and an Alumnus, I don't need the Prof. to prep me before crying out against what is going on in Uniport. I have been forced to pay for my wife's 2015/2016 and 2017/2018 Sessions simply because I could not pay for her final year of 2015/2016 even though she got approval for temporary withdrawal.

I strongly advice Management to shift their focus from Prof.Efemini to the issues, even if I am not a fan of the Prof, my impression is that the allegations leveled against him are spurious and merely face-saving.

Uniport must be part of the effort to make education available and accessible to the citizens and a partner in training of good conducts than a tool for vengeance or revenue generation.

Ikenda Clinton Elechi

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