Ikwerre: LG Chairman Pledges to Reconstruct Dilapidated Markets, Equip Health Centres and Schools

Hon Engr Samuel Nwanosike (JP), Executive Chairman of Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State, yesterday led the Council Engineer, Engr Justice Amieofori, and some members of the

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the LGA to tour Ipo, Omademe, Ozuaha, Omagwa, and Isiokpo Communities of the LGA in order to ascertain the level of dilapidation of the markets, schools and primary health centres in the various communities.

At Ipo Community, the Chairman expressed displeasure over the state of Ipo Primary Health Centre which properties were looted by some unrepentant youths of the community, thereby making the place deserted and locked up.

While describing the perpetrators as "Civilian Generals" at the Palace of the Paramount Ruler of Ipo,
the Ikwerre LGA boss categorically stated that his administration will never condole any form of criminality.

The Chairman noted that it was unfortunate that vibrant youths of the community and LGA at large could vandalise properties built by government in order to ease the pain and save lives of the people, including theirs. He called on the civilian generals to turn a new leaf or face the full wrath of law.

Conversely, Hon Samuel Nwanosike asserted that he will work hand in glove with Traditional Rulers and Community Development Committee (CDC) Chairmen so that cultism, kidnapping, and other social vices can be tamed, saying that the constitution has made it so.
Hon Nwanosike and his team later visited Ipo Market and Primary School. He promised to fix the spoilt roofs, interlock and repaint the market. At the school, he also pledged to fix the bad roofs and ceilings and to equip it with every necessary learning material.
At Omademe, Ozuaha, Omagwa and Isiokpo, Hon Nwanosike averred that he would not only reconstruct and paint the markets, but to also build six toilets and one borehole each, with generators.
At the various Primary Health Centres, the Council Chairman also promised to put them in order, stressing that every doctor must reside in his or her place of work so that the people can have access to 24 hours medical treatment.
In order to ensure that the doctor in charge of Omagwa Health Centre resides in the premises, Hon Nwanosike resolved to construct additional staff quarter for the doctor.

Credit: Vicky Thompson

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