Eight Rivers LGAs Need Urgent Portable Water Intervention

Eight out of the 23 local government areas of Rivers State currently require urgent intervention in the provision of potable water.
This is part of findings from the first ever Rivers State Socio-Economic Survey carried out n 2017.

According to the report of the survey, which was made available to newsmen at the occasion to disseminate the survey, the eight LGAs are Ahoada West, Andoni, Bonny, Degema, Gokana, Khana, Ogu/Bolo, and Opobo/Nkoro.
While acknowledging that the main source of potable water in Rivers State was borehole and hand pump, the survey noted that this accounted for 48.3 per cent of improved sources.
However, this source “is either not treated or sustainable”, survey noted.
In his speech at the occasion, the Commissioner for Budget and Economic Planning, Hon. Isaac Kamalu hinted that the eight LGAs fall under areas in which boreholes may have been provided by companies but they are not functional.
Consequently, the survey recommends that a sustainable and more hygienic source of water be provided.
“There should be effort at providing sustainable and more hygienic source of water transported through pipes into dwellings”, the survey stated.
Making his presentation on the survey report, the Managing Director of Gaddel Associate, Mr Gabriel Okosemieina stated that although borehole was the major source of water in Rivers State, it was better compared to some other states in the country.
“The major findings we have in this survey are that the main source of drinkable water in Rivers State is borehole, which is not sustainable.
“However, compared to other states, we have a very high level of drinking good water,” he said.
Other findings by the survey, according to him, include that women contribute one-third of total number of household needs, and that over 20 per cent of Rivers people are illiterates.
According to the commissioner, the survey was conducted to ascertain the areas of socio-economic lacks and needs in the state with a view to addressing same for development.
The commissioner, who emphasised the need for the leadership of all the 23 LGAs to scrutinise the survey report as it relates to them, said it was essential to institute development across the state.
Key stakeholders at the occasion include chairmen of local government, permanent secretaries of key ministries and institutional heads of the academia.
Highlights of the occasion were the distribution of survey report to local government chairmen and other stakeholders.

Sogbeba Dokubo

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