A young man identified as Andrew Enahoro has taken to twitter to narrate his bitter experience in the hands of SARS operatives in port harcourt, Rivers State.

According to him, what he felt was his offence was driving in an expensive Toyota Venza car. The officers on sighting them asked them to park and started raining blows on them, he alleged.

Read his narration below:

Had my share of the SARS brutality this evening at Slaughter Round About in port-harcourt because I was inside a Toyota Venza with my cousin's driver heading to go pick up my pregnant cousin who was waiting for us in front of Slaughter market.

I accompanied my pregnant cousin with her driver to buy goat meat, cow head and other stuffs at Slaughter market. When we were done with the buy buy, after spending close to 5 hours in the market, then I and the driver carried the stuffs headed towards where we parked the car

Then my pregnant cousin said she couldn't walk anymore because she was so tired, so she was going to wait for us in front of the Slaughter Market gate, so we should go bring the car closer to her and it was about to rain.

After picking up the car from the car park, the the driver started heading towards the market gate where my cousin was waiting for us, then all of a sudden from nowhere SARS officers in a Hilux truck drove passed us and parked in front of us asking the driver to park one side

The driver was so confused and was looking around for my cousin so he can go park in front of where she was standing, then two of the officers rushed down to the car, then one of them gave him a hot slap from outside and the other officer opened my door and ask me to come down

And they were like who's the owner of this car and I said it's for my cousin and she waiting for us in front to pick her up, then they started calling us thieves and criminals, saying we stole the car. I told them my cousin was standing just in front and we should go meet her

Before I could say another word, the officer gave me a hot slap and he started dragging me to their Hilux and forced me to enter the Hilux and the other officer was dragging the car key from the driver.

When I was inside the Hilux, my cousin started calling my phone because it had started drizzling, when I tried to answer my call, then the driver of the Hilux dragged my phone out of my hand & gave me a punch on my face and other officers in the truck started to punch me nonstop

Instead of driving towards the direction where my cousin was waiting, they took a different route & one of the officers enter my cousin's car & ask the driver to follow up from behind, then they continued to punch me all over my body inside their Hilux & then handcuffed me

Then we drove along Trans-Amadi road heading towards Ordinance Round About, then they parked after Rivoc junction and ask my cousin's driver to come down so they can search the car and went through our phones, then they saw a picture of an Army General with his wife on my phone

And a few pictures of my military officer friends, then they started interrogating me who are they to me and how close am I to them, searched my pockets but unfortunately I forgot my wallet at home so they couldn't get anything from me but took some money from my cousin's driver

And started threatening me that they will just shoot me and the driver and NOTHING will happen because the driver was reluctant on following them with the car. I asked them what was my offense for all the battery and they said I should shut up

And the only reason they are letting us go is because they didn't see anything incriminating in the car and it's like my Dad is a military personnel and so they removed the handcuff and gave me back my phone with a broken screen & ask us to go before they will change their mind

Then we went to pick up my cousin who was standing under the rain with so much anger because of her condition, but after we told her all that happened, she's so pissed & wanted us to go track down the officers but they had gone & she started raining curses upon their generations

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