A middle-aged woman has been reportedly murdered at Umuechem community in Etche local government area of Rivers State.

It was gathered that the gruesome murder of the woman took place at a farmland boundary between Umuechem community in Etche and Omuwei in Ikwerre local government area of Rivers State.

It was learnt that the deceased’s vital body parts were taken and as a result, was initially difficult to be identified by persons who discovered the body.

However, a close native who did not want her name revealed, said the woman had gone to the farm to tend to her crops and uproot some cassava to be used in making garri but met her untimely and harsh end at the cold hands of those believed to be ritualist.

Sources  confided that the case will be given traditional summons (that is, taking the case to a village deity, Amadioha Ozuzu) to ascertain who actually killed the woman and for what purpose.

A source said that due to the fact that 2019 general elections are drawing close, the killings may not be unconnected.

In the meantime, residents of the community have called on the youths to be vigilant to avoid such from reoccurring as women in the community have been thrown into panic mode.

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