As a media man there are six normative theory of the press which are set to guide us as a press man.
1) Authoritarian theory which was developed between 16th/17th century in Europe. It came into existence of the absolute power of 3 reigning families " Tudor of England, Bourbons of France and Hapsburg in Spain" under this theory, the media only support the government and it goes through the government approval before it could be broadcasted, there's no press freedom.
2)Libertarian theory :which was originated in the late 17th century and spread across Europe and American continent. In this theory the purpose of the media is to help find the truth, inform, interpret and entertain., here press release and publication is free from prior censorship.
3)Social Responsibility theory : This theory is the product of an American intuitive in 1947 Hutchinson corrosion on freedom of speech. The purpose of the theory is to ensure that the press should be open to everyone with something to say. Here the press is controlled by public opinion.
4) Soviet Communist Theory : Here the media is described as the mouth piece of the government, it is owned and controlled by the government, no private ownership, Example of Country under the Soviet communist Theory is China,, this is where we have high rate of censorship. Everything the media carries must be approved and scrutinised by the government.
5) Development Media Theory : This theory originated from the UNESCO mark bride setup in 1999. The aim of this theory is to join hands with the government to see that the society is developed.
6) Democratic Participant Theory: This theory places the interest of people before any form of media structure. Here people are free to own and practice.
Note : even as Nigeria today practices the libertarian theory there's what is described as " NTBB" ( Not To Be Broadcasted) Eg. Publishing of nudes, and face of a juvenile, the face of a rape survivor or defamatory article which is tantamount to libel and has the criminal sanction attached to it as recorded in the code of conduct, under the criminal law section 306.