Leave a comment and win Airtime: What’s your take on Tacha’s Disqualification from #BBNAIJA ?

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  1. Over reaction killed her, though mercy pushed herself to her but she (Tacha) was the one disqualified from the house cos of her attitude.. Just pray that person wey him own don spoil no com our way, that's just what happened to Tacha.

  2. To every girl let the story of TACHA teach u a moral lesson in life. Beauty can take u far in life but it takes good character to sustain u. Millions of naira and precious time has been invested on her by her fans to elevate her to the throne but it takes her foolish pride and uncultured character to throw all into the waste. What a pity!!
    What a lost opportunity . Which company will endorse such character as a brand ambassador. Indeed character is everything, girls no body should deceive u from this fact. Character defines the inner beauty of a woman. CHARACTER! CHARACTER!! CHARACTER!!!

  3. bad character killed her

