My Dear Good People of Rivers State, 

2. We   reinstated   the   total   lockdown   on   Obio/Akporand Port Harcourt Local Government Areas as part ofour   measures   to   contain   the   spread   of   the   Covid-19pandemic in our State.
3. We   also   indicated   our   readiness   to   review   thelockdown from time to time as occasion demands withthe interest of our people as the central basis.

4. Although we are only three days into the ongoinglockdown,   it   has   become   necessary,   once   again,   torelax the restrictions.

5. Accordingly,   the   State’s   Security   Councils   hasdecided to suspend the total lockdown on Obio/Akporand Port Harcourt Local Government Areas for 6 (six)days, with e>ect from Thursday, 21st May 2020.5. Residents  and  visitors  of  these   local  governmentareas   can   therefore   go   out   of   their   homes   for   theirlawful   businesses   from   tomorrow   morning,   that   is,Thursday May 21 until 8.00 p.m., Tuesday 26th  of May2020,   when   the   lockdown   will   be   restored   andmaintained until further notice.

6. It is  important to  emphasized   that   the  relaxationonly allows for free human and vehicular  movementsand the opening of limited businesses, such as banks,supermarkets, shopping malls and grocery shops.

7. All   land,   sea   and  air exit   and   entry   borders  androutes into Rivers State shall remain closed.

8. Similarly,   all   open   markets,   motor   parks,   hotels,bars,   night   clubs,   in-service   restaurants   and   barbers’shops must remain shut.

9. Religious   gatherings   of   more   than   50   personsremain prohibited.

10. All   public   weddings,   burials   and   other   socialgathering also remain prohibited.

11. Private   and   commercial   vehicles,   includingtricycles   must   continue   to   limit   the   number   ofpassengers to two persons only.

12. The wearing of face masks or coverings in publicspaces,   including   commercial   and   private   vehiclesremains compulsory as contraveners would be arrestedand summarily dealt with as the law demands.

13. All   residents   must   continue   to   maintain   socialdistancing   in   every   space,   including   vehicles,   bankpremises   and   shopping   places   as   required   by   thesubsisting regulations. 

14. Those   who   refuse   to   comply   with   these   dulyestablished orders and restrictions will be arrested andprosecuted,   as   usual,   for   deliberately   endangeringthemselves and the lives of others in the face of thisdeadly virus.

15.   I wish to reassure you all that we are doing ourbest and determined more than ever to do everythingin our powers to Dght against the spread of this covid-19 pandemic in Rivers State.

16. We therefore urge residents not to panic even withthe increasing number of positive cases, which is onlyindicative of the expanded testing now taking place inthe State.

17. Before long, we will Eatten the curve, gradually liftthe   restrictions,   restore   normalcy   and   open   up the State fully for business.

18. But until then, we will continue to ask for is yourpatience, cooperation and religious compliance with theestablished measures to curb the spread of this virus. 

19. The time is immediate for each and every one of usto take personal responsibility in this struggle to kickout covid-19 out of Rivers State.

20. And so, for those, who have nothing to do outsidetheir homes, please stay at home and stay safe. Let usalso try to ensure that we keep and protect the mostvulnerable persons among us, especially the aged andthose   with   serious   underlying   health   conditions   fromthis virus.

21. Finally, let me once again express our appreciationto   all   those   who   are   in   the   frontlines   supporting   thee>orts   of   the   State   Government   in   several   ways   tomitigate the spread of this virus in our State. May Godcontinue to reward and keep you safe.

22. Thank you and God bless you all.

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