Hotel Manager Facing Trail Alongside Suspected Serial Killer, Gracious West Denies Disposing Victim's Corpse

The second defendant involved in the murder case of suspected serial killer, Gracious David West who allegedly murdered ladies in hotel rooms has denied disposing one of the victims corpse along Aggrey Road, Port Harcourt Township.
Nimi ThankGod who is a hotel manager, is facing trial before Justice Adolphus Enebeli for allegedly dumping a polythene bag along Aggrey Road,Port Harcourt Township,which contained the corpse of one of the victims allegedly murdered by Gracious David West in the hotel room she managed.

But testifying before the court,Nimi said she only checked in Gracious West into a room on 16th September 2019 and insisted that no lady was murdered in the hotel.

She further testified that a lady identified as Benita Etim whom Gracious David West allegedly used bedsheet to tie her neck, hand, and leg to the bed in his room was rescued and later survived the ordeal.

Nimi told the court that Benita Etim was given a sum of five thousand naira by the Director of the hotel, to report the case to the police.

It was gathered that Justice Adolphus Enebeli, after refusing to grant a no case submission filed by the 2nd Defendant Counsel Lezina Amegwa, adjourned the case to 10th June 2020 for further hearing.

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