Ikoku Five: Autopsy Result Shows Chima Ikwunado Died of Torture, Elder brother says

The autopsy result conducted on Late Ikoku mechanic Chima Ikwunado reveals that he died of torture in police custody. 

Elder Brother to late Chima Ikwunado, Anthony Ikwunado made the disclosure while dispelling rumours that the family received cash compensation.
Recall that both government and family pathologists, Doctors Musa Stephens and Cornell Chukwuegbo who examined Chima’s body back on Thursday, February 10th had promised that the full report will be made public in less than 10 days after extra study of the samples from his body.

This was after the Police had first announced it conducted a private autopsy which showed the late mechanic died of high sugar level.

“We have conducted the autopsy. We have done both external and internal extermination and we have seen the pathological evidence that will help us conclude the cause of death which will be communicated through the right channel later. We took some samples that will be examined to confirm the findings under the microscope. 

“The pictures taken, sample and the report will be communicated through the right channel. We are hopeful that in less than 10 days, this report will be handed over. Two weeks maximum. I want you to be patient. We will do due diligence to this,” Dr. Musa Stephens, the Police pathologist had said after examining the body.

The promise never saw the light of the day as the Police under the then Commissioner failed to make it public as promised. 

The action of the police fueled speculations the command Reports was unrelentingly seeking avenues to water down the veracity of the crime of its personnel and attempt to settle the matter out of court, a move new CP, Joseph Mukan as he has dismissed on several platforms insisted he will ensure justice is served on the entire Ikoku five matter.

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