Our Beds are Filled Up with COVID 19 Patients - CMD UPTH

The Chief Medical Director of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital,Professor Henry Ugboma says the bed spaces reserved for Covid 19 patients at the treatment center in the hospital is already filled up.
Ugboma who made the disclosure at a briefing with journalists Monday said the hospital is already making arrangement to open another Covid 19 centre with 20 beds to cater for the rising cases in the state.

He said the treatment center at UPTH is doing sufficient testing and revealed that 15 staff and three children are among those who have tested positive to the infection.
He added that three patients have died from the virus at the centre.

The UPTH CMD who condemned the national strike embarked by the National Union of Resident Doctors asserted that no right thinking doctor should go on strike now that the nation is doing so much for the health sector. "Our doctors here reason with their heads that's why they did not join national strike. Those doctors that went on strike exhibited noisesome pestilence. Four sponsored doctors wanted to go on strike to scuttle our good works at UPTH but we resisted them," Ugboma said. 

Photo Credit:  Allwell Ene

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