PH Based Lawyer, Eugene Odey Counsels Rivers APC Members on way out of Lingering Stalemate

A Port Harcourt based legal luminary, Barrister Eugene Odey has advised party faithfuls especially those who hope to aspire for political relevance through the All Progressives Congress to begin to look away from their so-called godfathers and leaders.
Odey also argued that if the youths who ought to be the future of the party can come together and unite against the leaders who are allegedly determined to permanently kill the party with their pride and greed, then there may be hope.

His resonating counsel was contained in a statement released Sunday evening which was made available to City News Port Harcourt. Recall that last week's Court of Appeal Ruling in Abuja only worsened the already strife driven crisis in the state chapter of the party instead of initiating some relief.

Odey in the statement warned that as the crisis in the party plummets further and deeper, there are certain things politicians seeking expression on that platform must consider:

"1. APC may not participate in the forth coming Local Government Elections in the State. Grassroot influence is now totally lost.

2. As at today there is no representative from Rivers State at the National Board of Trustees of the party.

3. As long as the Supreme Court judgment in Ibrahim Umar's case remains unattended to, there may not be any congresses in the State to elect State Party officers from unit, ward, LGA and State levels.

4. The implication of 3 above is that, there will be no State representatives and or delegates at the National convention save the statutory delegates as prescribed by law.

5. The implication of 4 above is that, there may not be the state chapter of the party anymore.

6. The implication of 6 above is that, the party will not have candidates in future elections in the State.

7. The implication of 6 above is that, Rivers State may remain a one party State even beyond 2023". 

He suggested aside the aforementioned that party members coopt the services of professional arbitrators and conciliators to reconcile all members of the party no matter the factions they belong and that all "the former this and former that must be willing to make sacrifices in the interest of the party and the next generation".

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