Three Footballers Escape Death as PHEDC Poles Fall on them in Eleme

Three persons are currently lying critically ill with varying degrees of injuries after electric poles fell on them while playing football at the pipeline playground at Agbonchia in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State.
Eleme Voice reports that the electric poles which belong to the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC) had been showing signs of falling over for a while and residents had previously made efforts to draw the attention of relevant authorities to it.

The Eleme based platform also reports that several attempts by residents and the local government authority to get the PHEDC to intervene and fix the damaged poles before the incident proved abortive despite several promises from the company.

"The manager of PHED Mr. Emeka joel JP paid a visit accompanied by Eleme Voice to ascertain the level of damage and promised to isolate the line from flow of current and assured the people within the area he will do everything within his power to call on his colleagues incharge of the line to repair the problem.

"We also approached the Executive Chairman of Eleme LGA Barr. Philip Okparaji when the pole slanted and almost fell. He gave the assurance and mandated the PHEDC who are in charge of electricity in the area to see to the issue. Also the immediate supervisor for Finance Hon. Loveday Oluka had also informed the Management of PHEDC of the pole but to no avail," the report said.

Chris, one of the footballers the pole fell on is currently nursing pains generated by the fratures on his waist, hands and other parts of his body as a result of the incident.

An orphan and artisan, Chris who has been advised by a doctor who attended to them to see an orthopedic for general bone examination and X-ray says he is hopeful the authorities will come to his rescue as he has no money to foot the medical bill.

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