Cattle Herders Given Two Days to Vacate Lueke in Khana LGA of Rivers State

Member representing Khana Constituency II at the Rivers State House of Assembly, Prince Ngbor Piccolo, has visited some farmlands located within Baa, Kpaa, Seme, and Dae villages all in Lueku community where cattle rearers have allegedly illegally flooded with their cattle.

The cattle reportedly destroyed crops belonging to farmers within the area a fortnight ago.

Speaking to newsmen during the visit, the lawmaker said he received calls from village women and farmers weeping that cattle have eaten their crops, consequently denying them of their source of livelihood.

Piccolo said, as a representative who took oath to protect the peaceful coexistence of his people as well as defend their source of livelihoods, he responded swiftly to avert any breakdown of law and order the unexpected intrusion of the herdsmen may result in.

A source informed City News that around September and October, 2020, some cattle rearers flooded the same zone with over 3,000 cattles which fed on the crops of the community farmers, destroying their source of livelihood.

Our correspondent reports that the herders, however, returned this June with about 4,000 cattles.

Speaking to the cattle rearers, Hon. Piccolo asked their head headsman, Mr. Uthman, to ensure the cattle were evacuated today—Wednesday, June 16—but Mr. Uthman pleaded for Saturday considering the ill health of about two of the cattle.

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