A Facebook user Chamberlain Masi currently found 2 fishes buried inside dry ground while digging with his staff.
According to Chamberlain 
“I got some workmen to excavate a piece of land for a fence off at a site I'm working on. After digging a depth of about 2ft,guess what we found. Two live fishes,inside a dry soil without a drop of water,as seen here.”

“So,i was made to understand that these species of fish stay underground after rainy season for a period of six months or more and only resurfaces when the rains come again. How they breath and survive without food inside a dry land is simply unfathomable.”

“God is God”

Like other African lungfish, the West African lungfish is an obligate air breather and a freshwater-dwelling fish. It is demersal, meaning that it lives primarily buried within riverbeds. Due to the dry season frequently drying the rivers and floodplains in which it lives, the West African lungfish can aestivate for up to a year; however the West African lungfish generally only aestivates between wet seasons.

The Tana lungfish has a diet not unlike other lungfish, consisting of various mollusks, crabs, prawn, and small fish within its distribution. It can also go for up to 3 1/2 years without any food intake whatsoever. During this time period it behaves much like an estivating fish ( hibernates) in that it buries itself in the mud and does not move until more favorable conditions occur.

According to Chamberlain 

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